SPI RENEWABLE ENERGY INC. ("SPI RENEWABLE ENERGY"), in accordance with Article 11 of Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data ("Law No. 6698"), has established this Application Form to evaluate the applications made by data subjects more quickly and effectively.

If you have any questions about filling out the form, you can contact us on weekdays and during business hours by calling the phone number 0212 288 91 21.

Rights of the Data Subject

Prior to completing this Application Form, please read the SPI RENEWABLE ENERGY Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy and Disclosure Document available at to become informed about your rights specified in Article 11 of Law No. 6698 and information about SPI RENEWABLE ENERGY's data processing activities.

Method of Application to the Data Controller

If you wish to make an application regarding your rights specified in Article 11 of Law No. 6698, you can fill out this Application Form and, if any, submit it in person with wet signature to the address Ataturk Mah. Ertugrul Gazi Sok. Metropol Istanbul Site C1 Block 2B Floor:14 Apartment:245 34758 Atasehir / ISTANBUL, or submit it via notary to the same address, or send the form electronically to the email address registered at using registered email (KEP), secure electronic signature, mobile signature, or the electronic email address previously notified and registered in our system.

Data Subject's Information

It is important to provide the information and documents requested below accurately and completely for the healthy evaluation of your application.

Full Name:

ID Number:

Passport/ID Number: (For Foreigners)

Nationality: (For Foreigners)


Phone Number:

Email Address:

Please select the appropriate option below regarding your relationship with SPI RENEWABLE ENERGY and indicate in the space provided whether the relationship is still ongoing, if it has ended, specify the periods during which it continued, and provide the contact information of the unit/branch you are in contact with regarding your relationship with SPI RENEWABLE ENERGY.

Customer ....................................

Supplier/Business Partner ..................

Visitor ......................................

Employee .....................................

Partner ......................................

Other ........................................

Data Subject's Requests

Please indicate your requests or demands regarding personal data by marking the relevant checkbox (X) below. If you choose to make a request by selecting the relevant checkbox, you will also need to provide the information and documents to be provided regarding the subject of the request along with this Form to SPI RENEWABLE ENERGY. By SPI RENEWABLE ENERGY;

I want to know if my personal data is being processed.

I want to know for what purpose my personal data is being processed.

I want to know the purpose of processing my personal data and whether they are used in accordance with that purpose.

If my personal data is transferred to third parties domestically/internationally, I want to know the third parties to whom my personal data is transferred.

I want incorrect or incomplete processing of my personal data to be corrected.

If my personal data, which I believe is processed incorrectly/incompletely, has been transferred to third parties, I want it to be corrected at the third parties where it was transferred.

Due to the reasons for processing my personal data no longer being valid, I want them to be deleted/destroyed.

If the reasons for processing my personal data have ceased to exist, I want them to be deleted/destroyed at the third parties to whom they were transferred.

I believe that my processed personal data is being analyzed solely through automated systems and object to the result of this analysis.

I want compensation for the damages I have suffered due to the unlawful processing of my personal data.

Processing and Notification of the Application

SPI RENEWABLE ENERGY will evaluate and conclude your request within thirty days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. Positive or negative responses to your request can be communicated to you in writing or electronically. If you wish to choose the method of sending the response via mail or email, you must specify this preference along with the address/email address to which the mail/email will be sent:

I want the response to my application to be sent via email.

I want the response to my application to be sent via mail.

Although your requests will generally be concluded free of charge, if there is an additional cost for responding to your request, it may be requested at amounts determined within the relevant legislation. If SPI RENEWABLE ENERGY needs additional information to conclude your request or if it cannot be proven that the application was made by the data subject, communication may be made with you through the contact information specified in this Form or available at SPI RENEWABLE ENERGY.


I kindly request the evaluation and conclusion of my application, which I made in accordance with the requests specified in this Application Form, in accordance with Law No. 6698.

Data Subject Name Surname:


Application Date: